GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Seattle’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) Commission wants YOU!

The Seattle LGBT Commission is a 15 member Commission tasked with advising the Mayor, City Council and city departments on issues impacting Seattle’s LGBT communities.
The Commission is currently seeking energetic, passionate and dedicated individuals to serve as Commissioners!

What are Commissioner Responsibilities?
One of the fundamental responsibilities of any Commissioner is to stay informed about current issues, legislative activities, and laws that affect LGBT people; Through Commission meetings, provide information to the Mayor, Seattle City Council, and other City departments on issues of importance to LGBT communities; Assist City of Seattle departments in addressing LGBT concerns, individually and as a protected class under City ordinance and other applicable laws;
Recommend policies as appropriate to all departments and offices of the City of Seattle in matters affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender concerns, and recommend legislation for the implementation of such policies.

Are there time commitments?
Yes! Commissioners must be able to devote up to10 hours per month to Commission work, including monthly Commission meetings.

Applicants are encouraged to first attend an LGBT Commission meeting to see how commission works and meet the Commissioners. Meetings are open to the public and occur the third Thursday of every month from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Meeting are held at:

600 4th Avenue, City Hall Boards and Commissions Conference Room Seattle, WA 98104

Next, download an application: submit your completed application to Marta Idowu at:

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