GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NW LGBT Senior Community Happy Hour



“Meet and socialize with the members of the NW LGBT Senior Care Providers Network, and learn more about the work that we are doing to promote safety and compassion for Seniors in the LGBT Community.”

Aljoya Thornton Place

450 NE 100th St.

Seattle, WA 98125

August 26th 4:30 – 6:30 P.M.

The aging process is difficult for everyone, but for our Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transgender (LGBT) seniors the perception of availability for resource and understanding amongst Senior Care providers can be very frustrating. In many cases resulting in forcing our LGBT Seniors to conceal who they are, often leading to a decrease in quality of life. It has become clear that there is a need for Healthcare providers who wish to outreach and care for LGBT Seniors to tighten their communication bridge, and work together to provide a better quality of care for the LGBT Seniors of Washington State.

We would like to thank the Aljoya Thornton Place Team for hosting this event. If you have any questions regarding Aljoya please call Joe Madsen at (206)-306-7920..

If you have already been attending the meetings, we encourage you to bring guests and pass this information on to your network of contacts.

There will be a table for resources that you would like to share!

Catering provided through Lilly’s

For questions about the NWLGBT Senior Care Providers please contact David Haack at (206)-849-3511/

This social event is open to any and all that are interested!

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