We asked them to talk about GSBA and leadership.
Note: GSBA does not endorse any candidate for any office. The candidates’ opinions are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of GSBA or its board of directors.
Dow Constantine, Candidate for King County Executive
“We rightfully celebrate the major milestones in the march toward full civil rights for all... But too often we overlook the everyday work of step-by step, person-by-person, community building to end the daily discrimination that many still face. The important work of helping our nation come ever closer to living up to its ideals is part of what GSBA and its members do every day. I am proud of all of GSBA’s accomplishments and proud to be a GSBA member.”
Sally Bagshaw, Candidate for Seattle City Council
“I am a proud GSBA member. For over thirty years, I have worked to protect the rights of our most vulnerable to make sure we treat each other fairly and well. As a wife, mom, lawyer and community volunteer, I have pushed for strong and accountable public schools, equal protection under the law for everyone and the creation of a community where all people feel safe and included.”
David Ginsberg, Candidate for Seattle City Council
“I joined GSBA to connect with an important part of the community. I see the GSBA as the perfect nexus of who I am as a candidate for Seattle City Council: gay, socially conscious, pro-business and well rounded. I can’t imagine an organization more suited to who I am and what I stand for.”
Norman Sigler, Candidate for Mayor of Seattle
“My campaign joined the GSBA because of the organization’s strong commitment to economic vitality, social responsibility and leadership and equality for all. I fully support this mission and I will bring that same inclusive leadership to the role of Seattle mayor. Our city’s best asset is not its natural beauty, its diverse economy or its abundant cultural offerings. Its best asset is its people.”
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