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MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rachael Recommends - Late Summer Edition

By Rachael Brister, GSBA Vice President,  Marketing & Tourism

Scouring the digital marketing blogosphere…so you don’t have to.

I subscribe to a lot of blogs and newsfeeds from experts in various aspects of the digital marketing field.  This is my roundup of articles, tips, how-to’s and best practices for social media, apps, marketing, pr and some technology thrown in for good measure. If there is a particular subject or social media platform you want to learn more about, please let me know (link bold text to my email). Check out my comments before the links.  

Now onto this month’s roundup…

The ever popular hashtag. It seems like users either love them or hate them. Bottom line: if you use them, don’t over use them….more tips in the article.

General Social Media
I often hear people ask about linking their social media accounts for ease and to save time. I always advise against it unless your content is really suitable for more than one platform in the exact same format. And I am not the only one. Jamie Turner, the 60 Second Marketer agrees. I love the 60 Second Marketer site because sometimes that is about all I have to read or skim an article. And all of their articles have snapshots at the top that include the intended level of the reader, who the article is meant for (what types of professions within marketing) and how long you will probably spend reading. I find this very helpful when deciding which articles to skim and which to read in depth.

Some great time-saving tips. I would just be wary of the automating all your content across social media platforms for the same reasons stated above.

General Marketing
Some of these terms may be basic, but it’s always good to get a refresher and they are used so often in other posts, I thought this was a handy cheat sheet.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to get there?” A must for every small and large business everywhere.

Video Marketing
Video is a fantastic way to tell your story and a great medium for content marketing. But does it always need to be a highly polished, professional production? Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer at Marketing Profs, does not think so.

I especially like numbers 3: Have personality. “In all our years of schooling, we have learned to remove that personality from our writing. It has been considered “unprofessional.” Well, not so in blogging. This is not about being silly our outrageous or even overly serious just for the sake of being so. This is about being you.”

Coming up with content ideas is sometime as hard if not harder than the actual writing. Here are some tips to keep your creativity cup full.

You have written all this wonderful, useful content. Now to get it seen!

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