GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Business Luncheon: Port of Seattle & Its Impact on Small Business

Bold New Plans for Port of Seattle = New Business Opportunities

The Port of Seattle plans to create 100,000 new jobs and increase contracting dollars available to small businesses by 25% over the next 25 years. The Port’s small business initiative encourages its supply chain to include businesses owned by minorities, women and members of the LGBT community. Whether your business deals with trade, import/export, tourism or anything in between, chances are you’ll be affected by the policies of the Port.  As a local small business owner, your knowledge of how to apply for a job or compete for a contract is essential for helping our region remain competitive and economically vibrant.  Register today, and learn how you can take advantage of these lucrative opportunities

Expert Presenters:
•           Commissioner Rob Holland - Elected to the Port of Seattle Commission in 2009,  Holland is the first African American commissioner as well as the first openly gay commissioner.
•           Commissioner John Creighton  - Advocates increasing the port's role as a creator of family-wage jobs in the region and investing in infrastructure that will bolster our economic vitality
•           Luis Navarro, Director of the Office of Social Responsibility - A highly versed speaker on topics such as the economic contribution by minorities and the benefits of global trade


DATE: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
TIME: 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
LOCATION: The Space Needle, Map This Location
ADDRESS: 400 Broad Street
Seattle, WA 98109
EVENT CONTACT #: (206) 363-9188
EVENT COST: Individual Registration:
$34.00 - Members
$38.00 - Non Members
$34.00 - Students

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