GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Monday, December 17, 2007

GSBA Business and Humanitarian Awards Nominations

Honor the best and brightest in our community with a Nomination for a prestigious GSBA Business and Humanitarian Award.

Peer recognition is one of the highest forms of acknowledgment. This year, take some time and nominate that Business, Business Leader, New Business, Employee (yes, this is a new category), Community Leader and Nonprofit Organization you have always admired for their business excellence and for their community involvement. Complete the Nomination Form located online and in the monthly GSBA newsletter, or you can call or email the GSBA office at 206-363-9188 or and we will email or fax a form to you. Completed forms may be faxed back to the office at 206-568-3123.

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