GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

GSBA Endorses Prop 1

The GSBA Board of Directors has voted to endorse Seattle Proposition 1 in the November 2014 general election.

"As a mass transit rider whose bus routes to downtown were eliminated during the last cuts, I was left with less frequent and non-direct bus service, resulting in a longer commute.  Additional planned cuts will make commuting to work and navigating the City more difficult for most and impossible for others. I am proud that GSBA is taking a leadership position to save our mass transit system by endorsing Proposition 1. Avoiding debilitating cuts and preserving mass transit is critical to Seattle businesses and workers alike. Our employees, clients and customers need reliable mass transit with frequent buses throughout the City to get to work and appointments, shop downtown and patronize neighborhood businesses, restaurants and nightlife." - GSBA Board Member Mona Smith

The transit-only measure would raise an estimate $45 million per year through a $60 vehicle licensing fee (with $20 low-income rebate) and a 0.1% sales tax, both of which expire in 6 years. This is the same funding source as the King County Proposition 1, which was supported by 66% of Seattle voters.

Transit is vital for our whole community - for employers, for employees, for customers, for students, for seniors, for everyone.

Visit the Yes for Seattle Transit website for more information about the campaign.

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