GSBA Vision & Mission

MISSION: To combine business development, leadership and social action to expand economic opportunities for the LGBT Community and those who support equality for all.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Candidate Profile: Sally Bagshaw

GSBA has invited all of its members who are running for office to provide a profile to share with the rest of the membership. We have given each of them a set of questions to respond to so that you can get to know them better. We are posting the profiles as we receive them. GSBA does not endorse candidates, but we are happy to let those candidates who are part of our organization introduce themselves to the rest of our growing membership. Don't forget to vote and mail in your ballots before November 5!

Councilmember Sally Bagshaw
Running for Re-election to Seattle City Council

These last four years I have asked this question daily:  What type of community do we want to create?  For me, it is one that is fair, respectful, and supports everyone in our city to live a healthy life of his or her choosing.

We have seen some challenging years economically, yet we have much to applaud.  Last November we celebrated together as voters in our state approved R-74.  We celebrated again this summer as the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that all loving couples deserve equal treatment and respect under federal law. 
As a lawyer, I have advocated for equal rights for all committed couples.  I believe children and families in our community are strengthened when marriage is available to all who choose that path. 

We have made steps in the right direction, yet I recognize we have much more work to do: many members of our LGBT community have told me they continue to feel the effects of discrimination in the workplace. Many youth feel humiliated at school and rejected at home. And hundreds of LBGT immigrants face barriers to housing, safety, and personal security. All of these issues matter to me personally, and I will work with you and other leaders in our community to shine a light on these problems until everyone feels respected and is fairly treated.

These past four years on the Council, I have a list of accomplishments I am proud of, and it’s a list I want to expand.  As chair of the Parks and Neighborhood committee, I have assured our 400+ parks and programs are efficiently maintained and available to everyone.  Specifically,
  • I made sure the city kept its word and honored its deal with MOHAI. This treasure draws thousands to the new South Lake Union Park.
  • I oversaw a lengthy analysis of our community centers. We adopted a new management system, saving the city $1.2M a year.
  • I have supported an interdepartmental effort to create Neighborhood Greenways and a connected network of safe and separated bicycle lanes citywide for all ages and abilities.
These next four years I will dedicate my efforts toward creating a transportation system that is a comprehensive, connected network.  Fund more transit! I will work with human service providers and our police and mental health providers to address safety problems in every neighborhood.  And I will work with you to create a safe and respectful community for all.

I listen and treat people with respect. That is what I have been doing and what I want to continue to do. The GSBA has been there for me throughout the years; I want to continue to be there for you, as YOUR Councilmember.  Thank you for your support!

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