Councilmember Bruce Harrell
Running for Mayor of Seattle

What are the top 3 reasons why you are seeking to be elected as Seattle’s next mayor?
- Create jobs in Seattle and an ecosystem in which the private sector thrives.
- Make Seattle the most livable city in the world through a focus on public safety, transportation, education, infrastructure, and affordability.
- Build ‘One Seattle’ to provide the pathway to success for all, and where all residents feel valued and respected.
- Implement Proactive Police Plan which includes the hiring of local community service officers who’ll come from your community and will protect your streets.
- Convert community centers to empowerment centers where our next generation will be taught civics, conflict management, environmental sustainability, and provided resources to help them succeed.
- Develop a new college endowment fund to allow every graduate in Seattle Public Schools to attend a local college tuition-free for one year.
- Refocus the city on core services such as sidewalks, potholes, and synchronizing traffic-lights while also planning for our future.
- Be more proactive and better prioritize initiatives and actions based on long term goals and vision for the city.
- Improve transparency in how we do business and make decisions, to drive efficiencies and restore trust in city government.
- Created "The Great Student Initiative” which will prepare some of our most vulnerable children for the global economy. This legislation provides a huge discounted rate for high-speed internet access and a computer for all low-income students in Seattle Public Schools.
- As Chair of City Light, I worked with our utility to provide the lowest electricity rates among the twenty-five largest cities in the nation (6.88 cents per kilowatt hour), created a $100 million rainy day fund to protect low income families and small businesses in a downturn, and improved City Light’s financial policies to boost its credit rating which saved $67 million over two years.
- Passed groundbreaking Race and Social Justice legislation that requires our City to recognize the diversity of our city before taking legislative or budget action. Every community deserves respect.
- Securing safe and stable shelter and social services for homeless youth. Recognizing that 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBTQ, we need to provide opportunities for these young people to complete school and build pathways to success.
- Improve public safety, particularly in and around Capitol Hill. Successful communities start with safe communities, and despite progress in marriage rights, violent crime in our city is on the rise.
- Support for the completion of LGBT Community Center on Capitol Hill.
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